Saturday, November 17, 2012


I know it has been forever since I updated on this blog Lets see let me fill you all in on what has been going on. Well I have been writing like crazy for weeks now then about a week ago I hit writers block and I hit it bad. I was at the point that I was staring at my laptop screen willing the words to write themselves because I had nothing. Then yesterday it just went away and I had brilliant ideas and spent the night writing them. I think I am about ready to write the ending of my novel which would mean I have almost finished my very first novel. I have started editing already because I now know that my chapter 1 I have right now that a few of you have read will actually be chapter 4 or 5. I also have many areas that I need to lengthen and describe better. I am hoping that after editing and adding these new chapters and the last of my final chapters, that I will be closer to my word goal. I am still shooting for 78,000ish words. I know that I have skimped on some areas of my book and I will be going back and fixing those. I am getting closer and I am really happy with how close to finishing book 1 I am. It has been a long road and an even longer journey for me but I have loved every moment of it. Even when my life was out of control and I felt lost my world of Evermore was there for me. I loved that so much. I can not wait to share this book with the world so that you can all meet the characters and discover Evermore. Book one will introduce you to the world and the characters and open up so many questions for the readers questions that won't even really start to be answered till book 2 but that will be the fun of it. I am so very excited about this you have no idea. Stay Magical Gwen

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A writers life for me.

I know I haven't blogged in about a month but I have a good reason. I have been writing nonstop my life has been filled with the words of Evermore and I have fallen further into the rabbit hole. I love it in here I have learned so much more about the world of Evermore. I have gotten to know Ariana and Garrett so much better their story is amazing and I cant wait to share it with everone. These characters long for their stories to be told they juat had to wait for the right story teller and here I am. The history of this world is magical and breathe taking. The characters have been through so much. I look forward to the day when each of you will be able to pick up the book and learn the stories for yourselves. Stay Magical Gwen

Friday, September 7, 2012


Well I am slacking again but for good reason....... I have been writing like crazy! I had PAX Prime last weekend and it was awesome and since then I have been spending everyday writing. Loving how it is coming I will be doing a new page and word count soon!! Stay Magical Gwen♥ @GwenSelix Follow me on Twitter

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hello Fans

I know I havent writen in a while and I am hoping you have all been following my twitter so that you can see my daily updates. Life has been a bit crazy but it has come to a slow which is good and I can focus on my book more. So I am back to my writing I plan to spend most of tomorrow writing! Stay Magical Gwen♥ @GwenSelix

Thursday, July 26, 2012

What a week

Been busy writing more this week. The book i coming along. I am still working on my goal of agent hunting next month and early september!! So much work goes into a book but its all worth it. Keeping Dreaming Stay Magical Gwen♥

Friday, July 20, 2012


Hi guys. Well I am slowly working my way back. I know I have been gone for a while. Well Court did not pan out how I was hoping it would so I have been stressed and living in my head for a while which trust me is both a beautiful and scary place. I have been writing a lot though which at least is a good thing. I finished chapter 4 I wish I was further but I have till the middle of next month so I am getting there close to 16,000 words already so thats a plus. I am really going to try updating my blog again more often. I am really hoping that I can get my book done and be published sometime next year then maybe life will start throwing me a bone. I know not the most cheerful of updates just have had a lot going on. But I keep pushing forward!!!! Dream big and dont let anyone or anything stand in your way!!! Stay Magical Gwen ♥

Thursday, July 5, 2012


I know I have been gone a really long time again I have been crazy sressed and busy. But as of next thursday things will eaither get much better or much worse. We shall see how that goes. But I will be writing a bunch between now and then just to try and calm myself *Crossing fingers that works* I also have a Job now Im working from home with pampered chef very excited about this!!!! I am also planning to start writing out scenes from my Harry Potter Fan fic and posting them on here just alttle side writing for you all to enjoy Well I know its a short update but I want to try and get some writing done while the thoughts are in my head tonight. Stay Magical Gwen ♥

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Hello all! I really have been slacking around here and I am sorry for that! But I have been working on my book and it is inching its way closer to being done which is really good. Alright so lets see first some happy news. I have new glasses which means I can finally see again so after 3 months of broken glasses and headaches I can once again sit in front of my computer and write! So that means I should be getting book stuff out much faster which is a really good thing. As for the book I am starting on chapter 5 now and I plan to go write for several more hours as soon as I am done with this update. I am also looking into apply for a job at Barnes and Noble which yes would cut into my book time but I would also be working in a book store. Personally I think is the perfect job for an upcoming author. So cross your fingers I get the job. In the next few days I will be typing up the new stuff I have writen for my first book and I will have a new page and word count for you. I am also working on some title ideas, Its still the Evermore series because thats where it takes place, I just dont think I will be calling book 1 Evermore. I have a title idea in mind but I am not going to share it right now. Alright must write more so many ideas in this head of mine. I will try to update more! Stay Magical Gwen♥

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

HI HI HI HI HI HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so I may be a tad hyper I blame the mike and ikes i had for dinner So anyways I have been writing like a mad woman this week which is really really good! I bough a new journal and I have been working on my book the old fasion way. Which has reallyl helped because now i get less distracted by the interwebs! So I am really getting into it which is amazing!!!! I have also been reading again lately which is good helping me widen my area of writing ideas. So book is coming along really well if i keep this up I should be able to stay on track! Alright guys time to go read for a bit. Remeber you can follow me on twitter @GwenSelix Stay Magical Gwen ♥

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday sun

Why Hello There! I have been rather busy since my last journal post. Things with my personal life are finally coming together and slowing down which I am so very happy about. So lets see I have been working on my book and have some awesome edits to make and I have given myself a new deadline of end of next month to have this second draft done. I am really loving how the story is coming together. I still havent decided how many books it will be. It might only be a trillogy. This is because I dont want to drag the story out if I run out of stuff to have happen. I already know how the series will end and what the huge plot twists are. I just have to decide how much i really want to put this poor girl through. Alright so book update is there. On a more personal note, to go along side my writing as something else for me. I have decided to start learning French so that when i go to Paris in a few years I can talk. Im really excited about this i have the rosetta stone program all set up and I started lesson one last night and I already love it. Its something fun for me that i can do when i need short breaks from my writing. So I have some rather awesome things going on and I am rather happy! Oh and I dyed my hair weasley red!!! Yes I am now a weasley! Stay Magical Gwen ♥

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Why hello there

Hello followers how are you? Well life is going to things are finally coming full circle so now that I can relax a bit more I shall be writing so much more. My plan is to get back to writing again daily! I am hoping my stupid glasses that are broke will stop giving me headaches. Thankfully I have my nook to write on for when that happens. Second Draft of book 1 is coming along I am planning to get this done in the next month or so. I am still hoping to start sending out quiry letters in Aug. That is still my plan! Alright off to write. Stay Magical Gwen♥

Monday, May 7, 2012

looking towards the future

Well hello. I know its been a while, Its still going to be a bit before I can get back to daily blogs but I am still writing. Last night I spent some time going over my first chapter with my hubby and he helped me see that I can actually break it into two chapters. So I will be doing some editing and reworking on those soon. I will be spending to day making some notes on what we talked about so that I dont forget it. I am adding in a few other rather famous characters besides Pandora. One of which is Hades he is also going to have a major role in this series. I have alot of suprises waiting for all of my readers. Some that I know you will love and some that I know will be hard to take in. But I know you will love the story as a whole. Stay Magical Gwen♥

Sunday, April 29, 2012

HI !!!!!!

Hey everyone I know I have been away again for a while I have had a really busy week so many meetings. But everything is coming together and I will finally have time to relax and get back to writing and nothing else. My Hubby and I may be moving sometime next month which cross your fingers goes well. We are on a crazy schedual of trying to get everything taken care of the next few weeks. But I will keep updating it just might not be daily for a little while here. But I will defantily keep updating as much as I can. Make sure you follow me on Twitter I update on there a lot durring the day its an easy place to update offten. @GwenSelix Stay Magical Gwen♥

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So much

I am so sorry that I am slacking again! I have just had alot going on in my personal life and it is finnaly coming down and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This makes me so happy because when I get to the other side of this here tunnel then I will be able to just worry about my writing again. I am so looking forward to that!! I have been having alot of dreams about Paris and London and Europe in general the last few weeks. I can not wait to go there it is one of the first things I want to do after publication. Well that and book tours!! I cant wait to share my storys with you all. And even more so I cant wait to meet all of my fans. Stay Magical Gwen♥

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Well it is Saturday/ Sunday and I know i havent posted in a bit went on a small vacation and I am just now catching back up on everything. Vacation was nice I went swiming alot and did a fun quest adventure with a wand. Spent some quality time with the hubby and loved every moment of it. I havent visited Evermore in a few days but I will be back writing again shortly just have had alot going on but stuff is being taken care of finnaly. Soon I will be back to full on writing again I can not wait. Stay Magical Gwen

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Well my week has been so insane. I havent been able to focuse as much as I would like on my writing that is for sure. I am pushing back my May date to June for my first draft to be done. So hopefully I will be less stressed in May.

I am so thankful for my writing its deffantily an escape for me thats for sure.

Stay Magical

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Weekend is here

Well I had D&D tonight which is my favorite part of the week why because I get to play in a fantasy world and i quite often get ideas for my book which is always good.

I have redone a few of the creatures in my book as well. I made them a bit more evil wich is really what I want. My books deffantly have a dark undertone but I think that will make the books a better read in the long run. Only time will tell for sure though.

Stay Magical

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Well today was a very weird Friday but the Hubby was home so I was happy. Things have been crazy the last 48hrs but im on track again. I did spend some sleepless hours writing yesterday which really helped. This is why I Love my book so much. I am now sitting at about 37 pages and over 10,000 words and I am still on chapter 3. I think that is pretty good.

Well off to get some much needed sleep.

Stay Magical

Friday, April 13, 2012

what a day

I had a really long day did not sleep much. A lot of stuffed happened today but I am ok. I have changed up my backgrounds and pictures on my sites. The one on this one was taken by my best friend and fellow writer M.J. Rain.

I hope you enjoy the new sites. Tomorrow more writing.

Stay Magical


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A day of Writing

Well I have spent some time writing today. I was up till the early morning writing today which was fun. I am learning more and more that I will write at just about anytime of day that I can. I sent my chapters to a few people and have asked them to read it and let me know what they think. So I am looking forwrd to that.

Chapter 3 is coming along I am really enjoying how the story is progressing. I am getting closer to my goal more and more each day. In the coming weeks and months I would like to share more of the story with you. For now though I am not updating the offical stite to much untill publication get closer. I will how ever get a synopsis to you soon.

Thank you for keeping up on my sites.
Also I have changed my Twitter to my pen name so please follow me @GwenSelix

Stay Magical


I am slacking again I know. Just had a lot going on the last few days so writing has been put on hold. But tomorrow I will be writing all day if all goes according to plan.

Chapter 3 is well underway I would like to push out several chapters the next few days.

Stay Magical

Friday, April 6, 2012


It was a beautiful sunny day here. I really enjoyed the sun. The last two days have been the hubbys days off so I hav taken a small break from writing.

Tomorow I will be back in full writing swing!

Stay Magical

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Well spring is coming to my city and that means soon I will be outside more which I am sure will inspire me. I have always been one that when I go outside I would eaither read or draw, I never liked to play outside which growing up bugged my parents.
So more time outside writing will be good for me I am sure I was starting to look like a vampire.

Stay Magical

Monday, April 2, 2012


I had an amazing Saturday. I met the Phelps twins they were so sweet and nice. I got to shake their hands. I gave the photo I made for them to James he loved it. Made this harry potter fan very happy.
I also got to meet wil wheaton I got his autograph on my nook cover, and I got my photograph with him he made my day.

Tom Felton is supposed to be there next year I really hope so.

So enough about me geeky side I relaxed today to let my body rest from standing for about 8 hours to meet everyone.

Its early morning now so later today I will be setting up the laptop and writing away I need to bust out about 4000 words tomorrow to make up for the last few days.
Which I am looking forward to. The life of a writer keeping me busy love every moment of it.

I have to keep up my write schedule can not wait to share my novel with you.

Stay Magical

Friday, March 30, 2012

Late nights

Late nights writing so happy.
Tomorrow I get to meet the Phelps twins tomorrow big day in this HP needs life im giddy. Tomorrow will be a long day but so worth it!

Im going to stay up the rest of the day and sleep tonight so I can get up early tomorrow for comicon I can not wait!

Stay Magical

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Well I figured I would update before going to sleep its almost 8am here been up all night writing!
Well I am on chapter 3 now and I am 30 pages in and 8,905 words. My goal is around 78,000 which i a good goal and I am making my way there!

I am rather proud of myself these days. I have come along way in life and I am loving every moment of it.

Stay Magical


So I have put out around 2,000 words today and I am still working.
I am now 26 pages into Evermore and almost 8,000 words. And I am still on chapter 2. Its coming along nicely. I feel myself growing as an author more and more everyday and I love the journy I am taking.

I am working daily towards my goal of first draft done by May. I am really happy with how its coming along. If i keep up writing 2,000+ words a day I will reach my goal of 78,000 words easily! I am very happy and proud of myself!

Stay Magical

coming along

Well I spent part of today writing and now im taking a short blog break. am still so happy about the test thing I took. I said from the beginning that if I was to ever be compared to an author I would want it to be her. Made my week right there. Well I am getting really into Evermore I have so many ideas forming in head. I wont stop till I finish telling my story I can not wait to share it with you all.

Stay Magical
Gwen <3

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

More writing

Well I worked on my writing some more today which is good my story is coming along.
I am still in a giddy state from last night finding out I write Like J.K. Rowling which is a dream come true. She is my hero and one of the reasons I started writing again.

Just to tell you how good the test was I put in a section from Prisoner of Azcaban and it said that it was writen like J.K. Rowling. So yes I am one happy happy writer.

Well off to write more havent slept yet but thats ok!

Stay Magical

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Happy Dance

So I took a test on line where I put my first chapter of my book into it and it would tell me which famous author I write like and i go J.K. Rowling I am so happy right now.

I write like
J. K. Rowling

I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

Found this love it

Writing is easy: all you do is sit staring at the blank sheet of paper until the drops of blood form on your forehead.
- Gene Fowler


Well another Monday has come and gone and I am still working, I love being a writer more and more everyday. I love working on my own time scheduals. I am hoping that I can stick to my schedual of May to have my first real draft done for book 1.
I started to relize today that publishers are looking for the "Next big series" And I would love that to be mine. So that means I must work hard and not stop till I reach my goals. I will make it someday I keep telling myself that all good authors go through rough patches and I have just come out of one so I am ready to take this book of mine on a trip!
I hope you will all join me on this trip. I look forward to sharing it with all of you!

Stay Magical

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Yeah I know so much for daily. I have been trying to write more and have lost track of updating things.

I went to see the Hunger Games on Thurday night for the midnight showing.
Suzanne Collins did an amazing job at adapting her story to screen I applad her.

I think its amazing when and author gets in there and makes sure the script stays true. First time in a long time that I could say the movie was as good as the book.

I am going to be writing like crazy the next few days untill Saturday when I have the pleasure of meeting the phelps twins from HP a dream come true.

Stay Magical
Gwen ♥

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Well I have been away for a few days. Had to get the apartment ready for an inspection always fun.
so im getting ready to start writing again been a few days. I am learning more and more that my emotions the into my books. I almost killed a few characters off. Not good!!!
Anyways short entry tonight have to rest up for Hunger Games midnight premier tomorrow! sooooooooo excited!

Stay Magical

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Down the Rabbit Hole

Wow I know its been two days. I have been battleing headaches and late nights. Its all worth it though in the end I will have one incredible story to share with all of you.

Every moment of writing is taking me into my own Wonderland a place where I can make my dreams come true. A place that is all from my own mind that I can share with you all and make it yours.
I have big Dreams and I am learning more and more everyday that I can make them happen if I really work for it.
And that is just what I am doing I have given myself a goal of having my first draft done by May which is still a month away. I am so looking forward to sharing this story with all of you and looking forward to the future i will have.

Remeber the only one stoping you from reaching your dreams is you. So dont let you be the reason you are unhappy. Take control!

Stay Magical
Gwen ♥

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Staying busy

Well I am working on Chapter 2 of Evermore, It is coming along wonderful, I really love that this story came to me and that I am able to write it and share it with you all shortly.

I am like most Authors out there and I am losing myself in my story. I cant wait to share my characters with you and I hope that someday I will get to see them on the big screen.

Fantasy is a beautiful way to write storys. I am free to be me and free to create my own world to share with you.
I love the creatures as well even though some of them are scary as all can be, but that makes them awesome.

I think tomorrow I will tell you guys about one or two of the characters :D

Stay Magical
Gwen ♥

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

making progress

Well I finished my rewrite of chapter 1 last night rather happy with it now. It makes more sense so I wont confuse you the readers.
chapter one is just under 4,000 words and is 14 pages long which I am really happy about.
I am loving my characters more and more as I write a out them. They are wonderful and brave.
Im going to put Arianna through so much but I know its what I have to do.

This is the story I was ment to write for my breakout series. It was a gift and I can't wait to share it with you all.
Please keep checking for updates as we take this journey together!

Stay magical

Monday, March 12, 2012


Well I almost have chapter one rewritten its coming along nicely. The plots still the same but the the order of events has been made to flow better.
Im really excited about Evermore its become my world its beautiful. I love the characters they have completely grown on me. They feel so real. Their world is amazing and I can not wait to share it with all of you. Im writing everyday the more I write the sooner I can look for an agent and get my book to you all.

Stay Magical

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sleepless Nights

Well I was up all night. Why? Good question Evermore its invaded my brain I haven't been able to stop thinking about it the last few days. So I was up working on the book until the early hours of the morning. Tie the life of an author. I read everywhere that when you start losing sleep over your book that's when you know your on the right track. Im reworking the first few chapters adding more details so you the readers will get a better idea of what "Evermore" looks like.
I plan to update this blog daily now. I know I said it before but I now have everything organized on my nook so I can update on the fly.
Also check out my official site. (Https:// enjoy it got set up yesterday and will be updated offten.

Stay Magical

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I know

I am so sorry I know I have been slacking on updating this page!!!! I really need to be on here alot more!
Well I have been writing like crazy and I am on chapter 7 of book 1 which is coming along really good :D I have been just writing and not editing which is what was taking me so long before. so for now its still in the very very rough first draft. I am hoping to have something real solid before summer so that I can start the rewrite process and get book one sent out to Agents sometime early next year.
I am hoping for a 2014 release of my book sooner would be awesome but I will take what I can get!

I love being a writer so much its keeping me busy which is good and I really love how the story is coming along.
I have a few other story ideas forming in my head but they will have to wait untill this series is done. Though I may write a second series while im writing this one not sure yet.
The second series is title "House on the Hill"

OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I didnt tell you guys but the seires that I am working on is currently Titled The "Evermore" Series.
I really cant wait to share this with all of you guys.

Stay Magical Gwen