Thursday, November 17, 2011


I feel so bad I have let my blogs go a bit with out updating and Im sorry about that!
So Anyways I have been writing like crazy I put the novel I was working on. on hold for a different novel.
This one came from a dream I had 4 nights in a row and still dream about every now and then so something told me I needed to write about it. Im really loving the story and I am excited to see where it goes and what comes of it. I am still going to write the book about Faries I just needed to write this one first.
I have also decided along side the 4 or so stand alone novels that im going to write I will also be doing a series So yes Gwen Selix will have a series out in the next few years.
I have been doing reserch on Agents and I will be getting one as soon as my first Novel is in its final form which I am hoping to have sometime around march at the latest. My goal is to have an agent working on my first book while I start writing my second book.
And my Long Term goal is to have Gwen Selix a household name and to see my books on store shelves. Hey I know its a big dream but its something I want to do and that I know I can do.
So I am going to try and update on here daily if I can so that I can tell you how the book is going and such.]
Tomorrow I will talk some about the book and characters a bit. Im not going to post the whole book on here but I can give you sneak peaks and tell you how my writing is going.
Well off to work on the book some more
Stay Magical
Gwen ♥

Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Stuff to Come

Helllo Everyone!
Gwen Here So I am doing NaNoWriMo which is a contest to write a novel in one month that is 50,000 Words in a month so I will be doing that which will be the book I will talk about on here. And that will hopefully be avalible at local book stores sometime next year.
So look for updates here and on my other sites
Stay Magical
Gwen ♥