Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday sun

Why Hello There! I have been rather busy since my last journal post. Things with my personal life are finally coming together and slowing down which I am so very happy about. So lets see I have been working on my book and have some awesome edits to make and I have given myself a new deadline of end of next month to have this second draft done. I am really loving how the story is coming together. I still havent decided how many books it will be. It might only be a trillogy. This is because I dont want to drag the story out if I run out of stuff to have happen. I already know how the series will end and what the huge plot twists are. I just have to decide how much i really want to put this poor girl through. Alright so book update is there. On a more personal note, to go along side my writing as something else for me. I have decided to start learning French so that when i go to Paris in a few years I can talk. Im really excited about this i have the rosetta stone program all set up and I started lesson one last night and I already love it. Its something fun for me that i can do when i need short breaks from my writing. So I have some rather awesome things going on and I am rather happy! Oh and I dyed my hair weasley red!!! Yes I am now a weasley! Stay Magical Gwen ♥

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