Friday, January 31, 2014

Author Blog spot light!!! Kelly Martin!

Wonderful and amazing Author Kelly Martin is here with us today!! Check out her new book! 

I'm so excited to be here talking about my new book, THE AFTERLIFE OF LIZZIE MONROE, and to answer three reader questions. I recently asked on facebook for any questions my readers had for me... they had a LOT! I was surprised actually. And they are really great questions! Some of the blogs on the tour have the questions and answers. Here we go!

Three Reader Questions with Kelly Martin
1.       What was your favorite read as a teen/middle grader and why?
The first novel I ever read was Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice. I was in 8th grade in 1994 (the same year the movie came out). My friend, Rosie, and I took turns reading it at school. I had a huge crush on Brad Pitt and I could picture him when I read the book (which didn’t hurt lol).  And... I've probably just aged myself lol

2.       What literary character did you have the most in common with—which one do you admire or want to be like?
I’m probably most like Brittany in BIG is Beautiful.  Maybe not the ‘beautiful’ part, but there’s a lot of me in her. Also, I think I’m strangely like Lizzie in The Afterlife of Lizzie Monroe. Sometimes, things don’t go the way I had planned too ;)

3.       What book made you fall in love with the written word?
This may sound a little silly, but it was Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. Not really for the reason you would think. I did like the story (well, maybe not Breaking Dawn ;) ), but I really respected her as a writer and a mommy. She had three young sons. I had three young daughters. I thought if she could do it, why couldn’t I? So I did J

Do you have any questions for me? If so, you can chat on my facebook author page or twitter. I'd love to answer it.

I'd love for you to check out LIZZIE MONROE. I describe it simply as a Civil War/historical/contemporary/inspirational/zombie/romantic/epic  ; ) Yup. That about sums it up. It's Sleepy Hollow meets The Vampire Diaries with a little faith thrown in for good measure (of course... there is a lot of faith in Sleepy Hollow too lol). SO if you like Sleepy Hollow-- you'll like LIZZIE :)

Thanks for having me here :)

If Shane Davis had it to do over again, he wouldn't have gone out that night. He wouldn't have burned down the church. And he sure wouldn't have taken the annoying dead girl home with him.

Now that Shane has her, he has no idea what to do with her. He can't release her into the "wild" because people will recognize her (being a hundred and fifty year old town 'legend' will do that). He can't send her away because she can't take care of herself yet. And she can't stay because if people find her, they'll know he burned the church. Being eighteen now, Shane definitely doesn't want that fact coming out.

Unbeknownst to Shane, someone has figured out the girl's secret and will do anything to get it for himself... even kill the girl who isn't so immortal after all.

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About Kelly:
Author Information:
Kelly Martin a southern girl who writes... a lot. She is the author of 5 Young Adult novels. Her favorite reviews are from the people who 'know' they aren't going to like her books... but end up loving them :) She loves God, is addicted to chocolate, and would rather write than sleep. Kelly loves a good mystery and believes in Sherlock Holmes.

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