Monday, August 19, 2013

Summer time

Well its been months since I updated I know. I have been updating my Facebook on a daily bases though.
You can follow me here Gwen's Facebook page. I am posting on there almost everyday.

Lets see news well a few months ago I was in the hospital for a kidney stone and it really put me behind on my promoting and querying.

I have however sent out a bunch more query's and I have also sent out a few via snail mail.
I am still sitting at only 9 rejections which is good. A number I am happy with.

I have been working on book 2 as well it is keeping me busy. I am also working on a second novel and it will be published just online for you guys to read and enjoy while I agent hunt.

You can find that here : Gwen's online novel.

It is titled "House on the Hill" and is a fantasy/ horror novel. I am enjoying writing it.

I have also been really enjoying my Microsoft RT Surface as well it has made writing so much easier and I can take it with me where ever I go. It is really helping with my writing. I have also been on the go trying to keep up with all the other stuff in my life. Looks like me and the hubby will be moving soon as well so I maybe MIA again for a bit.

November will be the national writing month again and I may just get to do it this year so I am really rather excited about that. Looking forward to it.

I hope this finds you all well.
Stay Magical